Sunday, March 22, 2015

Gene Modification can lead DNA mutation in Humans

A revolutionary technique that successfully edits the genes changes the course of biological science. However, inventors of the technique are now asking people to refrain from using their discovery because it might lead to serious irreversible consequences.

Over the decades, several gene modification techniques were invented, but this recent discovery was considered as the most efficient and effective in living organisms such as human.

The technique is called the CRISPR-Cas9 how been widely used in animal samples. But they also found out that the technique is far from ready for the human genes.
Once the gene has been modified using the technique, the modified DNA is possibly going to be passed to future generations. This is a serious matter, especially for the inventors because there are still a lot of things to be considered and added for the technique to work efficiently to human DNA.
The scientists clearly said in their report published in the journal Science, “Given the speed with which the genome engineering field is evolving, our group concluded that there is an urgent need for open discussion of the merits and risks of human genome modification by a broad cohort of scientists, clinicians, social scientists, the general public and relevant public entities and interest groups.”
Many people in the scientific community are excited to try on the technique in their laboratories. It was considered to be highly efficient and better than another other techniques. Previous problems in DNA modification has been solved with the invention of the technique.
The technique is made by using a protein guided by RNA to remove certain portions of the DNA, and alter it with the preferred strand. Protein in the body cuts off the DNA to produce a resulting similar guide for the RNA.
Initially, the inventors were aiming at using the technique for replacing defective portions of the DNA. If any alteration using the technique was performed, other cells in the human body might show significant modification in different areas of the body like the eggs, sperm, or embryos.
The researchers are clarifying that their technique is far from use to human samples. If people want to avoid unpleasant consequences, then they should not try using the technique anytime soon.

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